Friday, April 19, 2013

Finding information

Nowadays, it's easy to find information about practically anything on the Internet. If you go to aby search engine, you will be able to find something about what you want.
But, the internet is not necessarily always the best place to look. There are advantages and disadvantages to find information on the internet.

  • It may be very up-to-date.
  • It may come from the best experts in their field.
  • It may be in multi-media format and easy to understand.
  • There are lots of alternative sources such as websites, blogs, microblogs, wikis, podcasts, discussion boards and social networking sites.
  • You can discuss information with others.
  • It may be old information.
  • Anyone can put information online so it may be unreliable.
  • It may be badly presented.
  • A blog is often just a set of opinions.
  • A discussion may or may not be useful to you.

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